安捷倫科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)宣布推出免費的示波器探頭資源中心Adobe AIR 應用程序,協助工程師快速找到安捷倫示波器探頭的相關文件和其他資訊。
書面手冊常被放錯地方或搞丟,當工程師需要文件時往往找不到。安捷倫探頭資源中心(Probe Resource Center)可以解決這個問題。該軟體應用程序包含安捷倫示波器探頭的參考手冊、應用手冊、規格資料、選購指南、展示短片、及工業標準的SPICE(Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis; 著重集成電路模擬的程式)模型等資訊。該應用程序可以讓工程師在他們電腦上一處易于存取的位置,有效率地瀏覽或搜索他們需要的資訊。
Click the link below to download the PRC to your laptop, PC, or Windows-based oscilloscope. The Probe Resource Center is an Adobe AIR application that centralizes all of Agilent's oscilloscope probe manuals, data sheets, SPICE models, application notes, and more. Currently, the PRC is available as a stand-alone application that you download to your PC, laptop, or oscilloscope. It can then be accessed via a desktop shortcut or the Start menu. In the near future, the PRC will also be available without a download (you will be able to access the system via the web) for customers who want the convenience of the PRC, but without having to store it on their computer.
It is easy to keep your documentation up-to-date because every time you open the Probe Resource Center on your computer (and you are connected to the internet), the system will check to see if any updates have been made. If it detects an update, it will notify you and with the click of a button, your documentation will be up-to-date. It has never been easier to find information regarding your probes.
微波射頻網 獨家編譯 Millie Cheng