毫米波雷達技術用于高級輔助駕駛系統(ADAS)可以提升塵、霧和黑暗等模糊環境中安全性,因為在這些環境中基于圖像的駕駛輔助系統的可靠性會喪失。基于毫米波雷達技術的ADAS可提供更長的距離、更高的精確度,以及比超聲傳感器更強的隱形安裝能力。IMEC研制的79GHz單片收發機基于先進的28nm CMOS技術實現,是替代現有基于鍺硅(SiGe)技術的一個引人注意的方案,因為它可實現更低的功耗和更高集成度。而且,基于CMOS的高量產能力,從根本上保證了CMOS技術的低成本性。
IMEC物聯網感知系統項目總監Wim Van Thillo說:“我們很高興能夠在28nm CMOS技術上實現這些卓越的性能,也很高興看到該技術為毫米波雷達系統所帶來的新機會,應用領域不僅是汽車雷達,還包括智能家居、無人機、機器人和其他等。該收發機芯片是我們在追求在單個芯片上實現完整高性能雷達系統過程中取得的一個重要里程碑。”
編譯:工業和信息化部電子科學技術情報研究所 張倩
Imec and Panasonic Present breakthrough in CMOS-based Transceivers for mm-Wave Radar Systems
SAN FRANCISCO (ISSCC 2015, International Solid State Circuits Conference) – Feb. 25, 2015 — Today, at the 2015 International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), imec and Panasonic presented a transceiver chip for phase-modulated continuous-wave radar at 79GHz. This achievement demonstrates the potential of downscaled CMOS for cheap millimeter-wave (mm-wave) radar systems that can be used for accurate presence and motion detection.
Mm-wave radar technology is used in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to improve safety in blurry conditions such as dust, fog and darkness, where image-based driver assistance systems lack robustness. It also offers longer range, higher precision and invisible mounting capabilities compared to ultrasound sensors. Imec’s 79GHz radar solution is based on advanced (28nm) CMOS technology, and it is an attractive alternative to the current SiGe-based technology as it offers a path to a low-power, compact and integrated solution. Moreover, at the expected high manufacturing volumes, CMOS technology is intrinsically low-cost.
Imec’s and Panasonic’s transceiver chip contains a control loop to suppress the spillover from the transmitter into the receiver without affecting the RF performance. With a power consumption of 260mW, the output power of the transmitter is 11dBm, while the RX gain is 35dB with a noise figure below 7dB and a TX-to-RX spillover suppression of 15dB. Thanks to the wide modulation bandwidth, the achievable depth resolution is 7.5cm.
“We are pleased with these excellent performance results on 28nm CMOS technology, and excited about the new opportunities they present for mm-wave radar systems, not only for automotive radar, but also for other applications such as smart homes, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), robotics and others.” stated Wim Van Thillo, program director Perceptive Systems for the Internet of Things at imec. “This transceiver chip is an important milestone we have realized in our pursuit of a complete high-performance radar system fully integrated onto a single chip”.
Interested companies have access to imec’s CMOS-based 79GHz radar technology by joining imec’s industrial affiliation program or through IP licensing.