Smiths旗下TRAK Microwave公司日前推出SYN151型航線可更換多元輸出間接/直接數字射頻和微波合成器,該裝置可用于苛刻的飛行環境。 可選的L波段(+/-100 MHz)輸出端口可實現次赫茲步幅和200微秒的轉換速度。雜散為-80載波分貝(1-80 MHz偏移),輸出功率為+11毫瓦分貝時,對于1 MHz的載波偏移,相位噪聲小于等于100載波分貝/赫茲。裝置的工作溫度范圍為-54至76攝氏度。 主要特性:兩個獨立、靈活的頻率輸出;一個固定的頻率輸出(360 MHz);次赫茲步幅;雜散不大于80載波分貝;擴大的工作溫度范圍。 裝置可-54至76攝氏度的溫度范圍內工作;電磁兼容性能優于美軍標461的要求;外殼為鉻酸鋁,尺寸大小為7.4×4.5×1.285英寸(約18.8×11.4×3.3厘米)。
The Model SYN151 offers an extremely low profile, thermally managed, quick removal line replaceable unit (LRU), that is ideal for harsh airborne environments. The selectable L-Band (+/- 100 MHz) output port provides sub-hertz step size and less than 200 μs switching speed. Phase Noise performance is <-100 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from carrier, with -80dBc spurious (1 – 80 MHz offset) and output power of +11dBm. This unit provides excellent performance over an operating temperature range of -54oC to +76oC.
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For more information on TRAK’s products, contact:
TRAK Microwave
Toll Free: 888-283-8444
PH: 813-901-7200
FX: 813-901-7491
TRAK Microwave, an ISO 9001 & AS9100 registered company, designs and manufactures a diverse range of RF and microwave integrated assemblies, subsystems, components and time & frequency systems for defense, space and commercial applications worldwide. For more information on TRAK Microwave, visit our web site at
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